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Cdu As The Strongest Force Spd And Greens Tied

CDU as the Strongest Force, SPD and Greens Tied

Summary of the News:

The preliminary final results of the Berlin state election, as reported by the Berlin State Returning Officer, indicate a significant change in the political landscape of the German capital. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has emerged as the strongest party, while the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Green Party are tied for second place.

Key Highlights:

Based on the results, the SPD remains the largest party in Berlin overall, with 22.2 percent of the votes. However, it has lost 12 percent of its vote share compared to the 2021 election. The CDU, on the other hand, has made significant gains and now stands at 24.5 percent of the vote.

The Green Party has also performed well, securing 19.9 percent of the vote and closing the gap on the SPD. Notably, the AfD has seen a decline in support, dropping from 10.7 percent in 2021 to 7.6 percent in this election.

These results indicate a shift in the political dynamics of Berlin and will likely have implications for the formation of a new government.
