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Cdu Afd Koalition

CDU Rules Out Coalition with AfD or Left Party

Stance on Anti-Gender Policies and Property Tax Reduction Remains

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Germany's largest opposition party, has excluded any possibility of collaborating with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) or the Left Party. This stance reflects the party's disapproval of the AfD's controversial positions on gender issues and property tax reduction.

CDU's Concerns over AfD's Policies

In the lead-up to the recent European Parliament elections, the CDU openly criticized the AfD's stance on gender equality and its support for lowering property taxes. The party emphasized the potential risks associated with these policies, including the erosion of fundamental rights and the exacerbation of social inequality.

Regional Divide in Coalition Support

Research indicates a regional divide in voter support for a potential coalition between the CDU and AfD. The study revealed that a significant proportion of voters in eastern Germany would be open to such a collaboration, while voters in western Germany strongly oppose the idea.

Impact on CDU-AfD Cooperation

Political analysts warn that a coalition between the CDU and AfD could potentially damage the CDU's reputation and undermine its credibility as a moderate conservative party. They emphasize the need for the CDU to maintain a clear distance from the AfD's extremist views.

Recent Election Results

In the 2019 European Parliament elections, the CDU emerged as the strongest party, followed by the AfD. The CDU's success was largely attributed to its ability to mobilize voters opposed to the ruling coalition of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats.


The CDU's firm stance against a coalition with the AfD or Left Party highlights the party's commitment to democratic values and its rejection of extreme political ideologies. Despite the regional divide in support for such a collaboration, the CDU's opposition remains resolute, ensuring that the party continues to represent a moderate and centrist voice in German politics.
